What I do


To utilize and transform Junior Golfers’ potential  into strengths–from Good to Great–for all young men and women golfers aspiring to be top Collegiate Student Athletes and/or Professional Tour Players

Sessions focus on Overall Game in Five Dimensions:

Overall Game Analysis:

    • Evaluate Current skill level and playing ability in order to make appropriate on-course decisions
    • Develop practice and tournament playing action plans
    • Recommend swing instructor, qualified experts in fitness training and sports psychology, if needed (services do not include any swing instruction)
    • Evaluate golf equipment and make any appropriate recommendations
    • Identify and Assist in Professionalism on the course, in practice, and competition
    • Develop the Mental Preparedness necessary to compete at a top Collegiate level and/or in professional sports — Mental Training through visualization and getting into The Zone

Improve Confidence:

  • Mentoring and Counsel from an NCAA Division I athlete, Former LPGA Tour Player, and University of Minnesota Hall of Fame recipient
  • Help client open mind to trust the Present vs. the Past and Future
  • Open discussion from experiences as top NCAA Division I Player and LPGA Tour Player (what worked and what did not work)
  • Create Self-Awareness and transform that into Success on the Course
  • Develop solid Course Management skill sets
  • Mental Training for top performance

Discipline and Commitment:

  • Understand what practice means and the intensity level necessary
  • Navigate the balance of golf and academics
  • Create a positive mind-set for future success


  • Practice how visualization can improve overall performance from Kate Hughes’ own personal experience and success — Mental Training and Coaching
  • Understand ‘Feeling’ with your mind’s eye

Life Skills:

  • Prepare for life as a Student-Athlete at all collegiate levels
  • Balance Academics and Athletics at the College level
  • How to compete successfully on the Professional Tour
  • Assist in preparing for Tour Life
  • Self-Masteryenabling the client to passionately and powerfully move forward towards your goals
  • Self-Awareness — develop and understand so as to recognize client strengths and weaknesses and become more effective in accomplishing goals and aspirations